Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy Wiki

Theeyeforgames Theeyeforgames 24 June 2020

Wikia Officially Adopted

Hello everybody!

I am making this blog post to announce that a couple of weeks ago I have requested to adopt this wiki. This request was successful. I have done this because I've been making edits here for over a year now and have not seen an administrator active. These three movies are by far my favourite films of all time and I rewatch them constantly, so I feel confident in my new role here as an administrator and bureaucrat.

Which brings me to the purpose of my blog post. I will continue to be very active here on this wiki, I have a track record of this and I have managed another (much smaller) wiki for about six years now. This will not change anything except I will now be able to remove pages that do not belong on this wiki and vandali…

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Uni Ela Quian Uni Ela Quian 3 February 2011


Right now I am helping some people fix up there wiki's, But at the moment i am unwell.

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